Privacy Statement
To show our commitment to your privacy, we disclose the following details
Data with whom we may share user information.
How your data may be used.
Any personally identifiable information which will be collected.
Choices available to users, with regards to collection & distribution of information.
What personally identifiable information third parties collect through the websites.
Ways a user may correct any inaccuracies in information that has been sent.
Data Collection
Any information collected will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
When using this website, you may be asked for information of a personal nature. You may be asked to submit personal data such as your name, phone number, postal address, email address, contact and certain financial information. This data will be kept securely and in accordance with our internal security policy.
This data may be used to
Process your application.
Provide you with an efficient, reliable and up to date service.
By submitting your data you agree to this. You acknowledge that any information you provide is accurate. You acknowledge that any that any information you provide is current.
Consent will always be required to collect any sensitive information about you. Examples of sensitive information include religion, medical condition or financial status.We may need to contact other companies within our Group or we may need to share your information to our finance suppliers, agents and/or other third parties in order to answer your enquiry
Review, Correction and/or Deletion of Information From Our Files
If for any reason you are concerned that the personal information maintained by us is not correct, or should you wish to check what information we hold or have your personal information removed from our records, please contact us by email at craig@craigwoolfenden.com and we will be happy to review, update or remove information as appropriate.
We will keep your information unless you ask us to remove it.
You have a legal right to instruct us not to contact you for marketing purposes. To do so, please let us know while we discuss all your financial options with us.
Cookies are a means by which information relating to your Internet activity is recorded on your hard drive
If you do not wish for us to use cookies when you use this site please adjust your Internet browser settings to not accept cookies
Your computer’s help file should tell you how to do this. Alternatively visit www.dma.org.uk for information on how to do this